Some Old and Not-Too-Old Movies I've Seen This Month

When I'm not too busy, either I'm on Tumblr, Blogger, Triond, Redgage or watching movies. So far, the following are the list of movies I've watched this month. I've watched them before but they are now buried in oblivion so it's great to refresh sometimes. 

Everytime I watch action movies, that's the time I terribly miss my father because he loves action movies (and my three elder brothers, too). That's why I grew up as an action-movie kid. Because of this, I know  how to distinguish faces of actors like Bruce Willis, John Travolta, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Mel Gibson, Nicholas Cage, Kevin Costner, Richard Gere, Sylvester Stallone, Steven Seagal, Harrison Ford, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Pierce Brosnan, Russel Crowe, Sean Connery, to name a few.

So, here's the list: Not in any order

Paranormal Activity [2009]
500 Days of Summer [2009]
Step Up [2006]
Step Up 2 - The Streets (2008)
True Lies [1994]
Face/Off [1997]
Die Hard I [1988]
Die Hard II [1990]
Die HardWith a Vengeance [1995]
Live Free or Die Hard [2007]
Armageddon [1998]
The Social Network [2010]
Ratatouille [2007]
Back To The Future I [1985]
Back To The Future II [1989]
Back To The Future III [1990]
Frequency [2000]
The Transporter [2002]
Transporter 2 [2005]
Transporter 3 [2008]
Small Soldiers [1998]
Date Night [2010]
You Don't Mess With The Zohan [2008]
Pearl Harbor [2001]
The Fast And The Furious [2001]
Fast and Furious [2009]
The Fast And The Furious - Tokyo Drift [2006]
2 Fast 2 Furious [2003]
Click [2006]

I've just finished watching these three yesterday:
War Of The Worlds [2005]
House of Wax [2005]
Water World [1995]

That damn House of Wax  scared the pants off me and I couldn't sleep last night. It kept on haunting me. :D
But the best thing I like in this movie is the soundtrack Helena by My Chemical Romance.
Some Old and Not-Too-Old Movies I've Seen This Month Some Old and Not-Too-Old Movies I've Seen This Month Reviewed by Anonymous on November 25, 2010 Rating: 5


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Can you pls post the actors who starred in the movies stated above?


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