If you are an expat living in the Philippines or are planning on visiting the Philippines in the future, now is the best time to start learning Tagalog. Thankfully, Tagalog is a fun language. But learning any language takes effort. Following these 5 tips will help you reach your goals.
5. Choose Your Method. Before you start your journey learning Tagalog, it’s a good idea to find yourself a textbook that fits your style of learning. There are dozens of textbooks out there. But make sure you buy a book that teaches you grammar. Vocabulary is important. But grammar will help you put all of those new vocabulary words you memorized into sentences people can understand! Low on funds? Try exploring your app store on your Apple or Android phone. There are many free applications that can help you learn Tagalog.
4. Make a Schedule and Stick to It! Now that you have all of these textbooks and applications at your disposal, it’s time to start using them. If you really want to learn Tagalog, you have to set aside time to study. “I don’t have time” is unfortunately not an excuse. You have to make time. But that doesn’t mean you have to study 6 hours a day! Make a schedule that works for you and stick to it! Consistency is the key to success when learning a new language. It needs to stay fresh in your mind for you to improve and retain information.
3. Know. Your. Limits. This one is going to hurt a bit, but here it is. You will never become fluent…..ever. There are professors out there that spend decades learning and teaching foreign languages and still carry around a dictionary. Once you realize this you can get rid of any extra stress and pressure you may have when you think that you aren’t learning “fast enough”. This isn’t a race. Take as much time as you need to study Tagalog at your own pace.
2. Immerse Yourself! Do you have that friend who studied Spanish for 4 years in high school but can only remember the word “hola”? (Is that friend you?) There is a reason the phrase “use it or lose it” is popular among language learners. Without practicing what you’ve learned the odds are you will forget it. But if you are currently living in the Philippines, the whole country is now your classroom! Watch every TV episode in Tagalog that you can. Order your next coffee in Tagalog even if the barista greets you in English. Always put yourself in situations that let you practice listening or speaking Tagalog.
1. Need it! Want it! Do it! This is the most important tip: You need to want to learn Tagalog. Nobody can force you to learn a new language. All the textbooks and applications in the world can’t make you actually use them. But you can convince yourself you’re doing it for the right reasons. Think of your significant other. Think of your neighbors that you wish you could talk to or that really funny looking TV show you wish you could understand.
Whatever you decide, go out there and study Tagalog! Kaya mo yan!
Top 5 Easy Tips for Expats Who Want to Learn Tagalog
Reviewed by .
November 30, 2018

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