So Many Things I Want To Do

There are so many things I want to do but I can't do them all. Sometimes, they are just stuck in my daydreams. Most of the time, I multi-task that I couldn't finish a thing. Sometimes, when I'm finishing something, I accidentally see interesting stuff and I want to do it, too that I set aside what I am doing and do the new one. 

For example, when I am looking for a tribal background for a Tumblr theme I am designing, the idea of curating tribal backgrounds just popped up from nowhere. For me not to forget about it, I would jot down the idea on the sticky note or on a notepad or most of the time, I would collect all the tribal photos the n upload them on my blog while I am also doing HTML for the Tumblr design for a client. It's like "OMG!"

This is not only applies to material things but also spiritual, emotional or whatever the universe offers. Sometimes, I want to help someone improve his life and suggest ways to earn a living through the internet. There are also moments that I want to make a blog for my niblings (nephews and nieces). I want to participate in Awww...Mondays but when I do, there is someone needs my help so instead of posting my Awww photo, I have to attend to her first. I also want to make jewelry and other fashion DIY and in between, I help two lovers fix their relationship. Sometimes, I am sick and tired that I just lie down on my bed and don't care that when I get up, more and more things are piled to do which most of them are not necessary but only wants.

Can I not just do things one at a time?

So Many Things I Want To Do So Many Things I Want To Do Reviewed by Anonymous on October 12, 2013 Rating: 5

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