Tsunami Alert

If you go to Google.com, you can see this:  Tsunami Alert for New Zealand, the Philippines, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Hawaii, and others. Waves expected over the next few hours, caused by 8.9 earthquake in Japan.

It is good that Google had put this awareness in their homepage knowing that many people rely on it to search for information regarding the disaster. It is an effective way to let people know how the earthquake in Japan threatened the humanity not just Asia but all over the world.

Most of us have heard, watched or read about the massive 8.9-magnitude earthquake which strikes off the coast, trigerring a 10-meter tall tsunami which causes major damage in north-eastern Japan and frightened nearby countries in the Pacific ocean.

It has been told that it is the biggest earthquake on record to hit Japan
The best thing to do now is to pray and be ready for whatever this may cause us.

Tsunami Alert Tsunami Alert Reviewed by Anonymous on March 11, 2011 Rating: 5

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