Top Tweets as of Dec. 28, 2010

TeensInLove No matter how plain and simple you are, there's someone who will surely look at you as if you're the most perfect person ever.

OMGthatssotrue Hearing thumps while in the shower. You think "the whole family is being killed and you're next". #omgthatssotrue
DamnItsTrue Best Friends = Cheer you up when you're down; Comforts you when you're sad; Fight for you when you're hurt! #DamnItsTrue 
TheLoveStories Hugging is healthy; it cures depression. Reduces stress. & induces sleep. Hugging is also all natural, its organic; naturally sweet. #TLS 
iFuckedUpTweets There's always some truth behind: Just kidding, Knowledge behind: I don't know, Emotion behind: I don't care & Pain behind: It's okay.

TheeMichaelCera Behind every beautiful girl, there is a dumbass guy who did her wrong and made her strong.
TheDebbyRyan sometimes, the biggest battles you need to fight are against yourself.
iRelateToThis dear parents, oh really? I'm the liar? tooth fairy, easter bunny, santa claus... sincerely, your child.

GuysTruths GIRL: Your new girl friend is pretty. (I bet she stole your heart) BOY: Yeah, she is. (But you're still the most (cont)  

Z33kCare4women #WordOfAdvice don't treat your NEXT like your EX. Keep the past in the past. Build a new future.

TheWaySheThinks The reason why I don't talk to you is because I keep telling myself that if you wanted to talk to me, you would. #TWST

JSCarroll In Tanzania, the normal greeting is "Habari," which means "How are you?" The typical answer to that is "Imara" which means "Strong."

TreatWomenRight #Ladies -Love Is Like Trouble. Easy Too Get In. Hard Too Get Out Of. Never Give Some One Your All If the Situation Is Not Mutual.

TheRealJuliann Roses are red, some condoms are blue, STDs are contagious, So watch who you screw.
thisteenquote When I was little my mom told me I could be anyone I wanted to be. Apparently the cops call this identity theft.

TheKillerTruth #Fave2010tweets: It's ironic how we ignore those who want us, want those who ignore us, and love those who hurt us &hurt those who love us. 

Follow me on Twitter: Rockbleeder

Top Tweets as of Dec. 28, 2010 Top Tweets as of Dec. 28, 2010 Reviewed by Anonymous on December 29, 2010 Rating: 5

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