Top Tweets as of Dec. 27, 2010

FactsAboutBoys Apologizing doesn't mean you were wrong or that he was right. it just means you value your relationship more then your ego #factsaboutboys
DamnRightTweets ‎​‎​The most beautiful thing in this world is to see your parents smiling, and knowing that you're the reason behind that smile. #DRT

Real_Simple Today's thought: "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." — Theodore Roosevelt 

idillionaire Life would be perfect if: Mondays were fun, junk food was healthy, drama didn't exist, and goodbyes were only until tomorrow. 

LifeDictionary Give GOD thanks for allowing you to see today. Waking up every morning isn't promised, be grateful and appreciative of life. #Lifedictionary 

BowWow Keep it trill with chicks. let her know u got others. Invite em all to the club and make em respect how u move and how u get down. 

iBieberHomie Don't worry if you're single. God's looking at you right now, saying, "I'm saving this girl for someone special." 

CoryBooker Here is to the lesson of Snowflakes: Individually beautiful yet fragile. But look how strong they are when they all stick together!
joelosteen God does not have disaster and failure in your future. He is for you, and you are His treasured child. He wants to bless you.

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Top Tweets as of Dec. 27, 2010 Top Tweets as of Dec. 27, 2010 Reviewed by Anonymous on December 27, 2010 Rating: 5

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