Youtube user Onur Armagan created the 'world's largest' whoopee cushion and showed it on the video-sharing site how proud he was with his innovation.
I would really love to have that cushion in my home and play with my nieces and nephews. I know they will also love it.
I know most of us would be impressed but do you know who's not? It's Onur's cat. It turned out that his cat did not find it amusing.
For those who are not familiar with whoopee cushion (also known as a farting bag, windy blaster, poo-poo cushion, turbulent bumbag and Razzberry Cushion), it is a practical joke device which produces a noise resembling human flatulence.
This device is made from two sheets of rubber glued together at the edges with a small opening with a flap at one end for air to enter and leave the cushion.
Cat's Reaction to his Owner's "World's Largest" Functioning Whoopee Cushion is Priceless
Reviewed by .
June 02, 2015

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