SOVO Gear and Bubblews Giveaway Winners Has Been Announced

The Sovo Gear and Bubblews giveaway ended yesterday and they have just announced the winners to get a free SOVO hoodie each. Though I wasn't picked as one of them, my hopes are still high but it finally subside when I saw someone who has two thousand more views than my entry - 2000 gap literally. I have 229 views while she has 2229 views. 

My entry has 229 views.
She/he has 2229 views.
Bubblews promised to give a secret extra 'bonus' to the top 2 people who get the most audience for their entries that's why I shared my entry to my social networks and here in my blog hoping to get views but I never thought I have a lot to catch up. 2000 views in one Bubblews post is mind-blowing and some Bubblers commented on her post was also curious why she got so many views. 
Anyway, if it's not my luck then I would accept it.

Whatever that secret bonus is, I hope it will be given to those deserving people. :)

Are you also on Bubblews? Connect with me and try to check out my SOVO Gear and Bubblews giveaway entry HERE.

SOVO Gear and Bubblews Giveaway Winners Has Been Announced SOVO Gear and Bubblews Giveaway Winners Has Been Announced Reviewed by Anonymous on February 22, 2013 Rating: 5

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