ECOTRADE: The Premier Environmental B2B Marketplace

Many people these days are aware of global warming and pollution so they have created programs to guide  and warn people on what might it could cause when they are not responsible enough to their environment.

One the companies who are environment-conscious is Korea Environmental Technology & Industry Institute (KEITI), the founder of ECOTRADE. Korea Environmental Technology & Institute (KEITI) is a subsidiary governmental institute established to improve the quality of life by securing the global leadership of the environment industry and climate change through promoting the development and supply of green technology and green product which are the core of green growth.

ECOTRADE Premier Environmental B2B Marketplace

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So what is ECOTRADE? ECOTRADE is a Premier Environmental Industry B2B Trade e-Marketplace. You can see all latest environment-related product trade solutions here. 

As a buyer, you can be benefited by their Exclusive Service Features. You can easily register buying offers without any signing-up process. You can simply write what items you are looking for and your brief company information and contacts, sellers will reply to your needs. You can also find trustful and reliable products. Companies registered in ECOTRADE shows certifications awarded by world’s renowned environmental and standards inspecting authorities such as ISO, EU.They also provides links and latest issues and trends about environmental industry and trade.

For sellers, you can get your own e-Catalogue at ECOTRADE. You can make your own company e-Catalogue where you can publish your company profile, products and Trade offers (leads) for free. You can also reach out to thousands of prospective buyers from all over the world. Send and receive inquiries at ECOTRADE . Moreover, get the latest market trends and information regarding environmental industry and technology.

At ECOTRADE, you can be connected with one of World’s largest B2B Trade Marketplace. ECOTRADE is connected with which is one of the biggest B2B trade marketplaces in the world.

* NOTICE : Currently, only Korean companies can register as seller in ECOTRADE

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Never miss a good opportunity to meet your right customers and new business opportunity through ECOTRADE - The Premier Environmental B2B Marketplace!

ECOTRADE: The Premier Environmental B2B Marketplace ECOTRADE: The Premier Environmental B2B Marketplace Reviewed by Anonymous on August 05, 2011 Rating: 5

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