Love and Balloons

Love is like a balloon.. when you push your relationship with someone forward it is like blowing up the balloon. If you blow too hard and too fast, the balloon pops and likewise the relationship breaks. But if you take things slowly and let the balloon of love stretch on its own, it grows into a huge, prosperous balloon, full of love. Also, if you don't push the relationship at all, or at least hold it at the same level it was at, the air will flow out of the balloon, deflating it, and your love will shrivel up and become flat & lifeless. So when you are in love, push the relationship forward slowly and gently and the balloon will grow comfortably into a strong, immense love. 

*If you want to know the source of the photos, pls visit my Tumblr: and Thanks! :)
Love and Balloons Love and Balloons Reviewed by Anonymous on November 05, 2010 Rating: 5

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