Heartbreaking First Meeting of Mother Panda and Her Baby

The decreasing number of pandas is quite alarming. Which is why new born pandas in captivity is taken away from their mother so as to save the declining number of pandas. 

Zookeepers think that pandas might eat their cubs after giving birth. But in this video, the mother-cub first meeting is just priceless. 

Pandas are really extraordinary animals. People might think that they are just wild and will hurt anybody that comes near, but that isn’t exactly the scene in this video.
The zookeepers in Taipei, Taiwan decided to introduce the month-old panda cub to her mother and the result is surprising. No one ever expected what this mother panda just did to her baby.
Heartbreaking First Meeting of Mother Panda and Her Baby Heartbreaking First Meeting of Mother Panda and Her Baby Reviewed by . on June 04, 2015 Rating: 5

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